On Tuesday 27 September the second part of the basement floor will be poored (part 2 of 4).

Since this concerns a much larger surface than the first part (approximately 500m3 of concrete) there will be more construction traffic than usual. This concrete floor needs to be smoothened immediately after pooring, when it’s hardened this is no longer possible. The smoothening can produce noise, the works could possibly last till nighttime.

In the evening and at nighttime, during the smoothening, the construction site will be lit.

In order to prevent possible construction noise we advise residents to close windows. We also advise immediate neighbors of the construction site to close their curtains to avoid light disturbance.

We hope for your understanding.

If you have questions, remarks, tips or tricks please refer to:

In case of emergencies, please call: 06-22235914

With kind regards,
On behalf of Bouwbedrijf M.J. De Nijs
Bouwteam Hotel Jakarta