Fresh from the press

News & developments

Residents Meeting Java-Island

On November 2nd 2015 about 200 residents and stakeholders attended an information meeting at Pakhuis de Zwijger about the…

Hotel Jakarta take its shape

Over the past two weeks a lot has happened at the construction place of Hotel Jakarta. The scaffolds disappear slowly, most…

The glass of Hotel Jakarta is placed!

We have started with closing the south facade of the hotel, the roof of the atrium has already been sealed. The hotel is…

Press release Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam

In April 2016 the construction of Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam has started. In the last few months the hotel has really been…

Piling up on Java Island

We are rising! By now 8 floors of hotelrooms have been placed inside the construction of Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam. That in…

Hotel Jakarta is rising

In the past few weeks a lot has happened on the construction site, Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam is now truly rising. The…

What a surprise!

What a great surprise! 'Sinterklaas' visited primary school 'De Kleine Kapitein' and the construction site of Hotel…

Underfloor heating to prevent icing of the ramp

Last week the ramp of the parking garage was poured and underfloor heating was placed. In the winter the underfloor will be…

Ground floor has been poored

In the past weeks there have been works on the basement and now the concrete of the ground floor has been poored. With that…

Reinforcing and pouring floors and breams at Hotel Jakarta

In the past week there has been a lot of visible progress. Floors and beams were reinforced and poured. Prefabricated walls…

A week full of visible progress

Today the last part of the basement floor is poured. In the last week there has been much progress. A large part of the…

Last part of basement floor poored

On Tuseday October 18th the last part of the basement floor is poored. This concrete floor needs to be smoothened…