In the past week there has been a lot of visible progress. Floors and beams were reinforced and poured. Prefabricated walls were placed, insulation is installed and sand is placed against the basement wall.

The parking garage under the hotel will soon be accessible through a curved ramp. The small curved wall was placed last week. The biggest part will be placed next week.

Building company De Nijs went to primary school ‘De Kleine Kaptein’ to tell the children about the building project ‘Hotel Jakarta’ that is taking place next to their class room. They teached the pupils about reinforced concrete, steel and many more. The children were enthousiastic and interested and they now know what’s happening next to their school.


If you have questions, remarks, tips or tricks please refer to:

In case of emergencies, please call: 06-22235914

With kind regards,
On behalf of Bouwbedrijf M.J. De Nijs
Bouwteam Hotel Jakarta